
Hi. Yeah, I'm just going to quickly talk about a few books I have with me that I highly recommend. I've just started this book and I can already tell you I highly recommend it. I mean, I can already tell that this is going to be an awesome book. See that book? See? See? Okay. I Could Have Written a Better Movie Than That! How to Make Six Figures as a Script Consultant, Even if You're Not a Screenwriter. Interesting. Very interesting sort of tagline there. Derek Rydall, Rydall? Anyway, don't you love this? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, there's a lot of stuff out there about screenwriting, am I right? And about writing in general. Let's see. Oh, but the table of contents, I thumbed through this thing and I'm like, okay. Yeah, yeah. Good. Excellent. Whoa! I can tell this is going to be awesome. Okay. Now the other thing I wanted to mention was this book.

This is absolutely essential reading. Digital Property: Currency of the 21st Century. Yes, yes, yes. And I'm telling you, this is a real education.

Oh, by the way, it was published in 1997, and it's every bit as relevant today, every bit.

Travel Writing 2.0. This is an excellent book. Whether you intend to become a travel writer or not, just reading about how much work is involved in becoming a paid blogger is an education in itself. I mean, there's a bit of, I don't know when this was published, but it was before all this social media started taking over, and everybody had to be a social media star. You don't have to be a social media star. You don't, I'm not sure that a person who does that is necessarily happier because of it. I think there's a lot that people don't question about this stuff. Anyway, this is a really good book, and it's got some great points about how much work is involved in blogging, what it means to give value as a blogger, and I would love, so love to do some more traveling and do this kind of stuff.

Anyway, having said all that, I took a look at this and no, I cannot in good conscience recommend it. In fact, it's just advice on how to hop from one platform to another. No, no. The last thing I need is to get on more social media. The best thing to do is to get away from social media. I mean, not to get away from it entirely, but to use it properly. There. I said it. Use social media properly.

If you have all these followers on TikTok, is that going to last forever? I sold thousands of downloads and look at me now, it's like, what does it all mean? Well, I'd like to think that the work was meaningful enough. People liked it, and that helped. But to see your fortunes come crashing down, simply because you don't go along with somebody's strong arm technique or the mob mentality that I had to become exclusive to Amazon, it's devastating to your self-esteem on top of everything else that was hurting me.

So anyway, this turned out to be longer than I expected. Don't rely on social media for happiness, period. Okay, that's all. I'm done, I guess for now. And just be real. Be kind to yourself. You don't have to hustle all the time. You shouldn't. It'll just wear you out. So having said that, I'm glad to have had the time to be able to say that and just articulate that point. And thanks for listening and be good to yourself. Be seeing you.

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