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Starting an Online Community

Image by Henning Westerkamp from Pixabay

Hi everyone. Well, I've been thinking for some time about how to create a space for people together, for people to get together outside of Facebook because I don't like Facebook and I'm looking for alternatives. And I found one that I think might be nice to use, a place where writers could get together and share ideas about marketing or self-publishing or post their courses, things like that. A place where you can be visible with other authors. And I think this could be particularly helpful if you're not Amazon exclusive and you're not running deals all the time and writing five or 10 books a year or whatever it takes these days.

I want to create a place that focuses on quality over sheer quantity. So part of that is getting into the nuts and bolts of selling direct. That's something I would really like to explore. And another thing I'd like to explore is the idea of getting groups of people together to put together anthologies. Anthologies are great. You get your work out there along with other authors. It's like cross-promotion and sharing your work at the same time. So it's like a no-lose proposition. I can easily put together an anthology, put it on Draft2Digital, it will go out to all the major platforms, including Amazon. I'm not going to ever publish directly through Amazon ever again.

That's the way it is for me, and that's the way I feel. So if you're interested, please keep watching [my videos] and I'll keep you updated on what goes on. I'm still in the idea stage at this point, so I don't know when this is going to happen, but I'm really hoping that it will happen soon. Take care and I will talk to you later. Thanks be seeing you.

One other thing, all you need is a Draft2Digital account, and then if everybody in the anthology has a Draft2Digital account, you all get listed. You all get a share of the royalties. That's how that works. So I would get a share as editor, unless I add something. I could add a short story, be that it as it may, whatever.

Like I said, this is all in the idea stage. I just wanted to emphasize that you would get paid out of royalties, a portion of the royalties, depending on how many people are involved in putting the anthology together. And we could make it a short anthology, four or five stories. And you put out enough of those and they add up, right? Don't they? I think so. Possibly. We'll see. I have no idea, but it's a thought. That's all I had to say. Talk to you later.

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  • network;

  • learn other skills or about other writing markets; and/or

  • to meet and collaborate with other creators.

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