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Things Every Aspiring Screenwriter Should Know

Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay

Here’s the AI summary:

Speaker 1 discusses the importance of understanding screenwriting format for aspiring screenwriters. They recommend the Screenwriter's Bible as a comprehensive guide to formatting and suggest that any additional information can be found online. They also mention other useful resources such as "Creating the Series", "Writing the Pilot", and "The Filmmaker's Handbook". The speaker emphasizes that screenwriting is not just about writing, but also about creating concise, descriptive scenes with just enough dialogue. They suggest learning by doing and reading other screenplays, and consider taking a course as a good idea for beginners. They conclude by stating that screenwriting has improved their novel writing skills and promise to share more about their learning journey in future.

Sounds about right! :)

Hi, today. I am here to talk about screenwriting actually, but while I'm at it, I'll just say this is a really great book.

I'm reading it now and enjoying it very much, along with several other books. In any case, in between, reading all these other books, if you're going to get into screenwriting, you need to know what's out there for screenwriters and, excuse me, while I retrieve this. I didn't think ahead of time. This is literally, the bible of screenwriting right here. This will tell you everything you need to know about format and anything that isn't in this book, you can probably find online under Dr Format, I think it is. So yeah, I highly recommend The Screenwriter's Bible for formatting because one of the biggest obstacles I think for most writers is understanding screenwriting format. There is a reason why it is the way it is.

I won't go into the reasons because I'm not prepared to do that, but there is a whole history behind how screenplays are formatted, and I can get into that if we wish to do that. But, in between reading all these other books in terms of mysteries and other stuff, I'm trying to read books like this. Creating the Pilot or Creating the Series. I'm sorry, Writing the Pilot is another one that he wrote. William Rabkin, I remember the first book he came out with with Lee Goldberg. I remember reading it ages ago. And back then you were supposed to be in Hollywood to do anything. Well, things have changed. Let me tell you. Things have changed. And another one that I haven't even cracked that I need to look at is, of course, this one, The Filmmaker's Handbook. I haven't even cracked the damn thing. “A Comprehensive Guide for the Digital Age.”

These are all things you need to think about if you want to go into screenwriting. Screenwriting is no longer about just you sitting there writing out your words, creating a picture with words that will suck a reader in and keep them interested. This is about writing concise, descriptive words with just enough dialogue, just enough to get you from one part of the scene to the next. That's all it is, and it's hard and it takes practice and you learn best by doing and by reading other screenplays. I won't tell you not to take a course. I think it might be a good idea to have a guide, somebody there to tell you what to do initially.

I think that's probably a good thing. But I have learned so much just from writing and reading other screenplays that I cannot emphasize it enough and I can't emphasize enough how much thoughts of production will filter into your head as you are doing this once you start to learn the ropes of the screenwriting business because it is a business just like indie publishing. It is a business.

And on that note, I will just say, I'll try to keep thinking of topics to bring up to talk about in terms of screenwriting, because I think being a screenwriter has made me a better novel writer, period. So there's so much I could go into now, but I just won't, will just say subscribe to the channel and I hope to bring more of this information to you, things that I'm learning as I go. Thanks, and I will talk to you later. By the way, want to lay bets on how long it'll take me to break this splint? I've broken my share of splints, let me tell you. Alright, take care. Talk to you later.

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